Monday, February 13, 2012


The irritation has officially sunken in. I feel like I am absolutely drowning in the essays I have to write and the homework I have to do tonight and the hours I'll spend staring at the blinking cursor on my word document. But, it's all worth it...

I am going to be the first one in my tiny immediate family of four to go to college and finish. I'm doing it to show my sister that even the spaz that was never interested in college can go and get a degree... Not that I have been very sure about going to college... I wanted to travel the world and see the sights, meet the people and party it up and be the painter, the architect, the photographer, the charismatic writer, the movie maker, the sleeper, the walker and so many other things .... But, I have decided that I want to be a teacher. My parents are saying that I WILL NOT DO THAT because they get paid so little. Oh, Boo Hoo. I don't give a freaking care about the money. sure, that would be a perk, but I'm doing this to show that I can do what I want to do and still be alive! I can still be myself... Drowning in the impossible amount of assignments due tomorrow, but I am going to push through and fight my ass off so I can be that role-model for my sister. If I can make it (which I sometimes doubt), then she should be able to get into the golden land of happiness and bliss and money and jobs and success. I wish you the best, Oh sister of mine.

Go forth and fetch the destiny you have had for such a long time. Be a CEO, a principal, a president, RULE THE WORLD... (just don't be a dictator. you know you can't let that happen, you love too much)

So, I am enduring the pain and the suffereing and the blandness of my history class because I have people looking up to me. Besides... my parents still need a house in the Greecian Islands;)

with much love and until next time oh wonderful people who stop and read my rants,

yours truly