Friday, December 23, 2011

Oh, the advice

You know those "Oh the things I should have known when I was 18..." lists of very useful knowledge that might have helped you in the past? Well, this is my list of things I should've known before the age of 10:

1) the world is a big, bad place. keep up the magical dreams
2) cheating on a 15 piece puzzle is clearly looked down upon by your teachers. do it in secret;)
3) when your teacher is crazy, do not, under any cicumstances, go and tell your parents the stories she tells you
4) do not let anyone tell you that you aren't as pretty or as special as the wannabe barbies over there. at the rate they're going, you'll be blissfully string-free (and baby-free)
5) do NOT dive into the shallow water of a pool
6) boys are tricky, slippery bee-killing maniacs that should never be trusted. but, that doesn't mean you can go around punching the ones you witness killing a bee
7) never cut your hair short and expect it to look perfect. remember, you were born with an afro, strait hair will never come gracefully
8) sweetie, if the boys aren't flocking to you, remember this amazing quote: " women need men like fish need bicycles." not necessarily logical, but it made you laugh, didn't it?
9) when you happen to be different, don't try to fit in. try to stand out, because, how else will you get noticed if you happen to be like everyone else?
10) ignore the funny looks
11) wear your gypsy skirts and t-shirts and dance as much as you want. and, if you have your earphones in but the music is low, pretend you can't hear anything. your bliss is worth more than the boring conversations the girls try to pull you into
13) try to write a book and draw a picture. don't erase. and don't completely take the piece of work out of your mind. work it until it's your masterpiece.
14) if fighting is the only way your sister can be with you, do something to annoy the heck out of her.
15) christmas music is ok for only about 45 minutes.
16) sing as loud as you want
17) if you don't have the urge to read anymore, don't force yourself. paint, listen to music, and dance
18) accept yourself, no matter how hard it can be

what is missing?