Monday, May 21, 2012

Exams, moldy drinks, and lockers - OH MY!!!

Hey guys:) Been a while, huh?
Well, I guess it's just been the fact that school has slowly been burying me under heaps of papers, book pages, and, of course, the dreaded final exams. But, hey, I'm not complaining - yeah, I kinda signed up for this stress, and, well, I kinda love being busy:) And, to top it all off, I just cleaned my locker today...
Surprisingly, I didn't go all "Aw! I'm cleaning out the locker I had my freshman year of high school!" When, in all reality, I was more like, "What grew in this bottle?!?" Yup:) Turns out that mold does take to half finished, almost-six-month-old bottles of half tea+half lemonade drinks. Believe me, I did enough freaking out when I found it with my friend (yes, I had to bring along a friend to make sure the blackhole of my locker didn't suck me into its deadly clutches because, let's be honest, it was a disaster...) and we ended up throwing the bottle between each other and squeling like freaking pigs having a heart attack.... not an attractive noise to make. Eventually, we caught the attention of the dean of students and, as he walked up, my friend had just plopped the scary bottle wreaking of death and sad half tea+half lemonade in my lap and, being me - should you even know me - I just had to do my creeped out dance (consisting of yelling, "hilarious" faces that just entertain people, and a lot of jumping up and down).To put it lightly, the dean just shook his head and left us - yes! VICTORY! -  to laugh our lungs out in front of the small crowd of about five people that had accumulated in front of my locker - which, by the way, happens to be in a HALLWAY for goodness sake! Eventually, the kids stopped being nosy when we started snorting like pigs and getting hiccups while rolling on the ground - Tough Crowd.

Should you be taking exams right now: hang on, charlie! you'll survive yet!
(but, if you happen to have a locker like mine, well... good luck, charlie...)