Wednesday, January 18, 2012

10 things I wold have loved to have known before my day started...

1) you should have just done a couple of circles for your 3D project in art
2) do not brush your hair after it has dried
3) you have biology today. Brace Yourself
4) show up beevus and butthead when you have to talk about your punnet squares\
5) hug as many people as possible
6) no eye contact with your adviser. he will make you talk
7) try not to cry next time you have a meeting with your guidance counselor
8) bust your ass to get your art out there. oh, and put yourself out there too.
9) just walk out of the room and try not to look like you're about to do something against the rules when you're really just going outside to see your friend's puppy
10) they're family, for God's sake! HUG THEM!!!

yeah, this would have definitely made me considerably more ready to tackle on a wednesday