Thursday, December 15, 2011


Had I thought to the future at the age of five, I would have seen the very interesting, guarded, one-of-a-kind fourteen year old I am today. And, thanks to the wondeful kids at my school, I am under-acknowledged, a "follower" as opposed to the amazing leaders my freshman class holds. That is the biggest B.S i have ever heard! I should be regarded as equal to others, as much a leader as the pompous jerk that sits next to me in class, shoving their A's in my face. However, I will remain a peaceful intellectual that will sit silently in the back of the class. I will be as good as i can be until I drop dead from the excess amount of homework i signed up for when I applied for the private school I am attending today.
The ideal student at the school I go to is an extrovert, easy to follow the rules, strait A's and freaking loaded with unnecessary amounts of money. I am an introvert, I absolutely abhore rules, have strait B's and C's and am on almost a full academic scholarship. I EMBRACE it! I may not have as much money, brain power and obedience as other kids at my school, but I am truly a one-of-a-kind kick ass child that will make a difference.
I am as self-conscious as the next person, but I, unlike other people, have absolutely no way of understanding my self-worth.
Self-worth, according to a web search, is acknowledged as the sense of one's own value or worth as a person.

This blog is my own hunt for my own self-worth and reason for being here. A blog of my week-by-week progression through high school.